We want everyone everywhere to deepen and mature in their relationship with Jesus.
If you want to begin this journey, this is the place for you!
The Spiritual Formation Ministry is ready to journey with you. Email us for more information on any of the following classes: spiritualformation@tgporl.org
MEET & GREET: This is a relaxed setting held after every Sunday service (Room #2). We are here to pray with you, share who we are, and answer any questions you may have.
I'M A CHRISTIAN, NOW WHAT?: These classes helps new converts build a firm faith and foundation.
BAPTISM: This class prepares you for water baptism. Water baptism is a visual and symbolic demonstration of a person’s union with Christ in the likeness of His death and resurrection.
CONNECT: These classes are for anyone ready to step into The Gathering family. In this sessions, you'll learn about our church, what we believe, how God helps us grow, and more about how there's a place for you in God's family.
LEADERSHIP PIPELINE: The Gathering's leadership pipeline cultivates the God-given Spiritual gifts and abilities each person has. These classes are a requirement for top-level leaders.